Welcome to Domestic TranCRAZity

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Day Like Today....

This is what a little boy looks like who played outside all day (on his second outfit)

I hope all of you had a great day today!

A day like today makes you so happy to be a mom and not have to go to work. Okay, hold on a second ladies, yes, being a mom IS WORK. I am talking about the kind of work that you have to go into a building and stay there all day.

It was wonderful outside today. When you live in the Midwest and have endured 5 long months of being inside, a day like today makes you want to run and jump and play, and boy did we!
I was so thankful today to be able to be outside and to be able to enjoy the sun and the fresh air. What a blessing spring time is!

Today was also a great day because we went thrifting with Auntie B and cousin RyRy and a friend with her gaggle of kids. I am going to do a post tomorrow about thrifting, boy do I love it and I can't wait to share my finds with you!

I wrapped up a great day by going to dinner at my mom's. (We do this every Wednesday, and I highly recommend starting this tradition in your family.) Her birthday was last week and I gave her her gift today. Tickets for my grandma, her and I to go see Beauty and the Beast at the Cadillac Palace Theater at the end of the month. She was jumping up and down and started to cry, I think I did good with this gift! Beauty and the Beast is our favorite Disney movie, and if you go during the week there are $15 tickets! I will tell you all about it after we go. For more info go to href="http://www.beautyandthebeastontour.com/"> I recommend calling Ticketmaster....online said that there wasn't any $15 tickets left...it was wrong...

After we got home, I got the kiddos in their pj's and headed out to girls night. It was so great to relax and talk with the ladies. Got home, fed the baby and put her to bed and that is where I am heading now!

A day like today is so rare, so amazing and so cherished. It gives you energy to get through all the days that you are stuck inside, or the nights when your husband is working late. I think I will be on a high from today for a long time. I hope all of you can have a day like today soon! Make it happen ladies!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog Inspiration

Side Note: I am typing with just my right hand, my left is being occupied by my sleeping beauty...

So, today I was driving home from MOPS and there was a commercial on the radio for a closet organizing company. It stated that if you get your closets organized by them you will have "domestic tranquility"....hmmm.... really? Domestic tranquility, that sounds amazing, but really, having my closets organized will make my kids listen, my husband put his clothes in the hamper and my laundry fold itself? A gourmet dinner every night, bills paid, and me, with a clean outfit, styled hair and pearls on? Right. We live in domestic trancrazity, is what I thought, and out came this blog....all from a radio commercial.

This blog is for all you moms out there who are also living in Domestic Trancrazity.

I am going to write about my many identities...just call me Sybil. I am a wife, to a husband working through a recession, a mom with two kids 17 months apart, and a lady, who loves to decorate, cook, shop and dance! A resident of Northwest Indiana, who is always looking for unique shops, restaurants and fun and CHEAP things to do with my family. Most importantly (and often last for moms living in domestic trancrazity) I am also going to write about being a daughter of God and how amazing he is.

So, my right hand is falling off, enough for now...I look forward to posting later!